Building A Better World From The Bottom Up
Call: 1-801-763-1223

commercial diving

commercial dive Inspections
CROSS MARINE PROJECTS utilizes only the highest trained ADCI commercial divers to perform underwater inspections on potable water tanks, control gates, pipelines, structures, generating plants, and bridge supports. Using none destructive testing equipment together with underwater video systems, a permanent record can be made to be used for repair planning purposes.
Commercial Diving Construction
Commercial divers can complete complex underwater construction tasks when ROVs and other systems fail. Our professionally trained commercial divers can operate in zero visibility conditions safely and efficiently to get your project done.

hazmat commercial
Hazmat diving can be one of the most challenging operations a commercial diver can be placed in. Without the proper training, experience, and equipment, personnel can be placed at great risk resulting in tragedy. Cross Marine Projects has completed dozens of technical hazmat dive projects including diving in sulfuric acid ponds, sewage, liquid dairy product, algae blooms, waste water, oil spills, mines, and victim recoveries. We use only the most qualified commercial divers and fully sealed class A rated suits for these operations. If you don't think a diver can dive in it, we probably have.